About Me

Joe & Shauna
Hi, I’m Shauna and that’s my husband Joe.... and we’re the crazy bloggers behind the scenes over on The Best Blog Recipes! We’ve been blogging now for almost 3 years (as of Dec 2014) and we love it! Our life is a little crazy right now with a teenage daughter, 3 yr old son and 17 month old baby. Joe works full time and helps with the boys when he’s home so I can cook, work on our food blog and connect with our readers on Social Media (60k+). We seriously kind of feel like the luckiest people in the world! We get to cook food for a living and get paid to do it. How did that happen? 

The only down side to being a food blogger is that it's VERY easy to gain weight. Especially when you get pregnant and want to eat everything in site! As you can see I'm thin in every single one of these pictures after the birth of our son 3 years ago (2012) and before I got pregnant with our second son in 2013.
Our Family
Here we are... before baby boy #2 -- and I actually think I'm pregnant in this picture, lol. We're a blended family and let me tell you it has it's challenges every single day! So let me tell you a little bit about myself: I'm a strong willed woman and I get very passionate about what I want and what I believe in. Almost to a fault. I like to do things a certain way, have my routines and don't like the grey area and tend not to do well with change. I see things in black and white and my husband always reminds me of that, lol. 

I love food and it is definitely my weakness. I could eat carbs pretty much every single meal if given the choice, and to be honest I DO! and meat and potatoes are my idea of a great dinner! Sometimes I don't always cook the healthiest and I struggle with my weight because of it. I've always been one of those women who gains weight then loses it just to gain it back again. It's a vicious cycle and I struggle on a daily basis to keep a good balance with my healthy to unhealthy ratio and that's why I had to start this separate blog. Because I have to get healthy now because I'm totally miserable.

Have you ever felt like you've zipped on a fat suit and you can't get it off? Yeah, that's where I'm at and it's hard to keep up with my little guys who are BUSY!
My boys | thebestblogrecipes.com
Here they are. My 2 little pipsqueaks! They are so busy and are into everything! I literally can't take my eyes off of them for 2 seconds because they cause so much trouble. I sure do love them though. We struggled for years with infertility issues, had 5 miscarriages and I suffered a ruptured tube and almost bled out from it. Yep, these 2 guys are our miracle babies and I'm so glad that I get to be their mama!

Joe & Shauna 1
So this man right here... he drives me nuts. On a daily basis. We've been together for 8 years (married for 7) and we joke that we don't know how we've made it this long. We fight like cats and dogs and somehow just keep it together enough. I think he just likes me for my mad cooking skills, lol. We haven't killed each other yet so I guess that's a good thing. ** 5/11/15 UPDATE: we just started blogging about Joe's Testicular Cancer Journey and you can read our very first (real. raw. emotional) blog post here.

And like I wasn't busy enough we have 2 dogs too. Yes, they are wearing pants. They are bad boys and potty all over the house so they spend their time either in their kennels or in diapers. They share with the baby so I technically have 4 in diapers right now. 
I told you it was crazy around here, right.

Shauna & Bailey
Are you still reading? Brownie Points to you if you are ;)

Ok, now for the fun stuff. 

Here are a few more super personal fun facts about me -- since I do most of the writing: 

  • The only way I know how old I am every year is because I add 20 years to my daughters age. She's 15 this year so that makes me OLD!
  • I hate spiders like you wouldn't believe! They scare me to death. When I have nightmares they usually involve those 8 legged creatures. 
  • I listen to all kinds of music (pop, hip hop, country, christian, etc...) but I can't stand classical. It gives me anxiety!?!
  • I do suffer from severe anxiety. I usually freeze to death when I'm anxious and sometimes I wonder if I actually COULD freeze to death. I feel that cold! 
  • I suffer from severe depression to the point that I can't get out of bed sometimes. I miss deadlines and sometimes feel completely worthless. It's not fun and it's hard on my family. If you ever see me go for long periods of time without posting it's usually because I'm a wreck and can't function. Another good reason I blog and work from home! 
  • I LOVE Mexican Food, Chocolate and Turkey Sandwiches. Weird combination, right?
  • I have a hard time being a mother. I'd love to say it's all fun and games but it's not really. I'm hormonal and with my depression and anxiety some days it's just down right hard for me. I do love my kids and do the best I can for them though. 
  • I didn't start really cooking until I was in my late 20's early 30's. I always doubted myself and my cooking ability. I always told myself I was bad at it until I realized that I wasn't. -- That's a weird statement coming from a food blogger, right? LOL! 
  • We have challenges in our family. My daughter has a peanut/tree nut allergy. My 2 yr old is lactose intolerant and has Sensory Processing Disorder. It keeps things interesting and busy. I'm always checking food labels like a crazy woman! I can't feed my kids the same things most of the time and it makes it so hard. I find myself hiding in the pantry eating cheese if my son is around and nutty treats if my daughter is home. I know, I'm so weird! 
Well, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Thanks for reading this all the way down to the bottom! I know I don't say this enough but I appreciate each and every one of our readers that stop by and follows along with us! I do what I do because I get so much support from you guys. You don't know it but your comments help lift me up and make me feel like I can do this when I'm having one of those days!

xoxo, Shauna (and my silent partner in crime -- Joe)

Follow along with me on Instagram, Pinterest & via email

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