July 24, 2015

My Start Weight Photos

Do you know how hard it is to put on a tight fitting t-shirt and then take a bunch of pictures of yourself from all angles so you can share it with the world? Holy cow. I HATE seeing pictures of myself and this was the last post in the world that I wanted to write tonight. BUT I know that this is part of the "process" so I can keep myself accountable during my weight loss. Still, part of me wanted to crawl in a dark closet and just shut the door and hide after I looked at these pictures. 

I don't know about you but I have trick mirrors in my house. I can be looking GOOD before I leave the house and I'll be s-t-r-u-t-t-i-n my stuff somewhere and catch a glimpse of myself in a window or something and I'll be all -- who is that?!? It is the worst feeling in the world because I really do feel good and then it hits me like a ton of bricks that I am heavy. I am REALLY heavy. I am overweight and I am obese! 

(and maybe I'm a little depressed, anxious, sad, and totally overwhelmed by it too but who's really keeping track)

I don't know if all that makes any sense at all? I feel thin. I feel pretty. I think my hair looks cute. I think I'm having a good makeup day. I like my outfit and everything is going good. Then we go somewhere or someone takes a picture of me and I "see" myself and it doesn't make sense because I feel different than I look.  

Apparently I have issues, lol!

So, as you can see I carry a ton of my weight in my thighs, mid section and arms. Ok, well maybe I carry it all over but it seems to gather between my boobs and knees the most and I hate it. Even when I lose weight I'm still heavier in my thighs and belly. It drives me nuts

I'm sure some of you can relate. 

One change this time vs every other time I've set out to lose weight is that I'm realizing I'd rather be healthy than skinny. I'm not a spring chicken anymore. I'm a mom of 3 kids and I just want to live to see them grow so I need to change everything about what I'm currently doing so I can help to make that happen. 

I know that this is going to be a long process and if you're still reading this post then thank you! It's you guys that are helping to motivate me to continue on this journey. If you'd like to follow along with me check me out on InstagramPinterest or leave a comment below because I'd LOVE to connect with you!

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