July 19, 2015

Did I just start a NEW blog? I must be crazy!

Hi I'm Shauna and I think I've lost my mind. No, I've definitely lost it. I just started a blog?!? A NEW blog... about fitness, weight loss and my "journey". I'm already a food blogger on another successful blog, mom of 3 kiddo's (16 yrs, 3 yrs & 1 yr old), wife, daughter and mom of 2 high maintenance Yorkies. My hands are full and I definitely don't have time to maintain another blog by any means.


I am SAD most days. 
I am OVERWHELMED every minute of every day. 
I am worried about my husbands CANCER returning. 
I am hiding behind my computer and not living my LIFE.

BUT that all CHANGES ToDaY! 

I started this blog because I've become a hermit in my home. I can find an excuse to stay home and not go out because I don't have anything to put on my big overweight body. I want to hide and pretend that I'm happy and successful but I'm not. Well, I'm not happy but I have been blessed to be successful with my work. 

Let's talk about my work. I started a food blog 3 years ago and have worked day and night to turn it into something that I can be proud of. Something that makes money and something that I can rely on if something ever happens to my family. I love it, I really do. BUT it's making me sick. I'm losing sleep over it. I'm obsessing about it. I'm constantly hungry because of it and I realized last week that I needed a break -- SO I completely unplugged from Social Media (we have about 60,000+ followers on our blog), from my email, from Facebook, from PINTEREST (that was hard for me) and everything that had anything to do with my work and you know what? IT'S BEEN FANTASTIC! 

I've gone to bed every single night on time! 
I'm feeling less stressed! 
I'm not as sad right now! 
I'm still overweight but I've been able to focus on ME and have started making healthy choices! 
I'm not as overwhelmed (ok, well my house is still kind of a wreck but I'm working on it)! 
I'm not as anxious -- as a matter of fact I don't think I've had one single panic attack this week! 
I'm still worried about my husbands cancer returning but I'm sure you can understand that one! 
AND I'm not hiding behind my computer anymore!!! 

Hi world, I'm Shauna and I'm on a MISSION to lose weight the healthy way. The RIGHT way with a healthy diet and exercise. 

Will I be perfect at it? No, probably not. 
Am I going to give up? Not this time. 
Am I going to share my journey with the WORLD? You better BELIEVE it! 

BUT I can't do this without you! I'd love if you'd follow along on Instagram >>> https://instagram.com/workitoutshauna/ and show any love you can by double clicking on my posts, commenting & showing some IG love! 

xoxo, Shauna 

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